
Thursday, March 25, 2021


I know there’s always a portrayal of year 21 being this super turnt year of parties and adventures, but for obvious reasons that wasn’t possible this year. I remember February 2020 I was thinking, “Hmm, I’ll finally be 21 so maybe I’ll go to parties and clubs now!”

While I wish I could’ve gone out and dine in with my friends at AYCE sushi places, I’m grateful for seeing another year of life and I don’t take my fairly uninteresting 21st year for granted.

Something I learned is that there’s no “correct” way to live your 21st, or any year for that matter. Just cause I’m able to drink doesn’t mean I have to drink, and just because I’m allowed in certain spaces doesn’t mean I have to force myself in them. We’re taught to perform certain versions of ourselves to “belong”, having to shrink certain parts of ourselves. 

There is no “correct” way to celebrate your birthday. Celebrate your birthday and life everyday doing what’s comfortable to you. For me, that’s literally just sitting in my room listening to music, playing video games, then playing basketball in my backyard. You don’t have to do exciting or “interesting” stuff to exist in this game of life. 

Every birthday I say I’m in my prime and I look back thinking how naive I was. That act is certainly being repeated for sure, and I look forward to when I’m 23 and say, “Wow, I was so naive when I was 22.”

I’m in love with myself and I’m 100% unapologetic about it. I hope all of you guys love yourselves with the overwhelming waves of emotion that I feel for myself. 

love U all, i hope everyone feels as beautiful as i am about myself

 society tries to bring down / shame vanity as if its a crime

 you're allowed to flaunt your beauty

 don't listen to the haters

 confidence is energy

 and energy is love 

love is trust
