
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thursday night

I look around and I see
Communities not for me
Community's not for me
But I look back and feel content knowing
That I have a friend in continuity
Continuity's for me
Continuities for me

Felt inspired to write a poem tonight, I thought it was pretty truthful.

The unfortunate reality is that we haven't reached a point where people aren't getting shamed for not pursuing higher education. I'm in higher education currently. Do I want to be in higher education currently? I'm not sure. Cause to be honest, right now I'm only doing it because if I don't my parents would disown me. I feel like I'm subconsciously doing it because there's a stigma around dropouts. Even if people wouldn't express it straight up, to some extent they do look down on you. Which is the unfortunate reality. I realized this as I was talking to one of my friends and through our convo, I sensed that he wouldn't see me as an equal if I dropped out of college and did my own things (we were discussing me wanting to leave).

I'm definitely learning important and cool things now. I have to disclaim that. I'm not talking down on anyone pursuing a higher education, because there are a lot of smart people who are going into the right fields. I don't want to spend the rest of my life paying off a debt with a bail-out job that doesn't make enough to pay off that debt for a while. That's a reality. I don't want it to be a resort.

Because if I assume that as a resort, I'm telling myself that I won't be able to find success with my own creative projects. I'd be lying to myself and I wouldn't be believing in myself.

I really don't care if people would hate on me. I just don't have time for the energy of people trying to convince me to stay in college or pursue a specific career path, just cause in their perspective that's what's right to do. Only you know what's right for you. Whether you go out to make that a truth, that's on you.